Last updated on February 10th, 2022
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This is a guest post by Jenny Harrison who is a passionate lifestyle blogger. Today she shares her tips on how gardening, can be used to stay healthy, keep fit and enjoy life a whole more. Enjoy – Take it away Jenny!
Family get together, scrumptious food, scenic beauty and relaxation altogether seem like an impossible task, but this dream of yours can come true by having a garden in your new house. Shifting may put not just you but also other family members in a strange mental state with nostalgia associated with the former home. The best solution to this problem is to turn that sad, lonely backyard of yours to use and make a garden of it. This will make the place much more homely and will come with multiple health benefits. Five ways the garden at your new home will keep you and your healthy and active are as follows:
Nutritious Food
Having your own garden after moving means you can grow everything from fruits to tomato plants to the flowers you ever wanted. Growing your own food will result in you and your family consuming fruits and vegetables which are free of chemicals like pesticides etc. With that, with little more research, you can harvest particular seeds at their desired time to get the most nutrition off of them which might otherwise have been taken away by picking unripe produce. Also, with gardening, you can grow and enjoy produce which might not even be available in the market.
Moreover, the more we grow fruits and vegetables, the more likely we will be too consuming them which means we’re occupying all the space away from processed foods. That will mean no cans stuffed with processed, treated vegetables; plus, the joy of growing and slicing your homegrown fruits and vegetables is just unmatchable! Not just that, with growing your own food, you’ll be less likely to go out or buy produce from elsewhere. This way, you’ll be saving a hell lot of cash as well. In fact, if you really start enjoying it, you might as well start selling your produce and earning the cash you might use for that expensive bag you’ve been eyeing for far too long.
Stress Buster
With the hustle and bustle of our lives, it’s difficult having time where you have nothing to look forward to or stress over. From adults to the kids of the family, everyone has their own stresses and anxieties to deal with. These stresses can be, if not completely eliminated, minimized by having a garden.
Moving into a new house comes with the stress of a new neighbourhood, a new job, new school for the kids etc. Bust all of these worries by having a garden in your backyard, which will help you unwind after a long day at work and give you something besides work, to look forward to and get excited for.
Gardening is no joke. It’s a rather laborious task. You need to not just give time to the plants but also get dirty with them. Gardening comes with weeding and digging and harvesting, all of which helps in burning more calories than you expect. With that, if you’re really trying to fit into that dress from summer of ’05, invest in a cute yoga matt and get down to business. With a new garden, you will not just have free space to workout in but also the motivation you might be lacking. Not just that, you can also arrange physical activities with your children on Sundays like painting the garden shed and pots in the garden, playing with water balloons, etc., to not just getting you active but also getting your kids off the video games they’re forever glued to.
Building Relationships
Moving to a new neighbourhood means you’re starting from scratch with regard to your relationships with your neighbours. People, as we all know, can be difficult to please; the best and easiest way to please the ones you love is by having a garden. This might sound bizarre but let me explain: With having a garden, you can grow your own food, herbs and flowers. You can show up at their doorstep with your seasonal flowers as a gift. This will have a greater emotional impact on them as they’ll know that you just did not go out and buy the flowers but also spent a good amount of time on growing and nurturing them.
With that, you can arrange various events around the year for your friends and family. These events could be a Summer Barbeque party or just another party for your son’s friends and their mums to befriend them. Also, all those from the neighbourhood who’d be into gardening as you are, would be fun to hang out with and will result in you learning a thing or two about gardening as well.
Other Health Benefits
Having a garden has various benefits as mentioned above. I would like to add a few more which are scientifically proven. The health benefits are:
- Decreases lifestyle diseases like: obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes etc.
- Lowers risk of Dementia by 36%
- Exposure to Vitamin C
- Strengthens bones, muscles and joints
- Prevents falls among older members by improving balance
Author Bio:

Jenny Harrison is a passionate technology and lifestyle blogger. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for home, lifestyle and tech-related information on the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community. Currently associated with NYC moving company ‘All Around Moving Services Company Inc.’ Specializes in arranging and assembling services of professional and skilled local movers locally in New York City as well as areas in New Jersey, Connecticut and the Miami Dale area in South Florida for their blog operations. Follow her on twitter @MJennyHarrison for more updates.