
June 2019


Dahlias are considered one of the most diverse species, offering flowers the size of dinner plates to tiny pom poms depending on what it is you want. Like most tubers, you can divide them to get additional Dahlias or remove tired mother Dahlias and grow younger ones with lots of potential. Dahlias are very easy to grow as long as they have well-drained soil and access to full sun. They do die off if they…

Dahlias are a beautiful summer flower but winter is not their favourite season. They need to be taken out of colder gardens where the frost may be hard and freeze deeper than the first few inches of soil and stored over winter. If you leave them in the garden and you have a period of cold, the freezing temperatures will actually kill them. The good news is that lifting them is pretty straightforward and nearly…

Geraniums are beautiful, simple to grow, and they produce a lovely scent to add a pleasing ambience to your garden or home. They are effectively grown outdoors and usually brought inside during the winter if you want to overwinter them. If trying to keep geraniums over winter isn’t for you then it’s worth noting that geraniums are very affordable and many gardeners just replace the plants every spring or take cuttings and overwinter these until…

If you have a successful geranium, chances are you want to replicate that success. Once you have an established plant, you can benefit from the use of cuttings to propagate additional plants, especially in comparison to trying to overwinter a geranium, plus you get more of these stunning plants for very little cost.  Geraniums, the longer they are kept alive, lose the floriferous quality for which they’re so popular. To that end, using cuttings to…

If you have a beautiful geranium in the spring, there’s no reason why you can’t store them for the winter and keep them going without having to start over the following season. Overwintering your geraniums doesn’t take a lot of space nor does it require you to invest a lot of time or money. It is important to have realistic expectations going in though. The longer you keep your geranium alive, the woody or bare…

If you have geraniums either in your garden or in your home, two of the most important actions you can take to improve the gross and floriferous qualities include pruning and deadheading, the two of which are very different things. Deadheading simply is a process to remove flowers that have finished to help promote continuous flowering. Pruning can be used to cut back the actual plant including the foliage stems to help encourage the plant…

If you have beautiful geraniums in your garden or inside the home in pots, one of the few things you have to do to maintain its floriferous quality and promote continuous flowering is to deadhead them. To deadhead pelargonium geraniums, hold the flower stalk that has finished flowering near the base and pull downwards. In most cases, the old bloom should snap out cleanly. Although this is the process most people use it is probably…

If you want to fill any empty areas in your garden with delightful shrubs that bring with them aromatic flowers, leaves, and in some cases fruit, you, of course, have to be considerate of the space you have available. Some people designed their gardens specifically to contain various levels for geometrically aesthetic purposes. Others have landscape designs that require everything to remain at a certain height. To that end, if you need something low-growing, consider…

There are many a plant that thrives in sunlight, and even those plants that require only partial sun exposure but still need an average of 6 hours of sunlight. This makes it a bit difficult to fill the darker corners of your garden effectively. You might have heavily shaded regions, an area of the garden that stands in shadow most of the day because of a structure nearby or tree. Conversely, you might have an…

If you have a home near the coast it can be challenging to find the best coastal plants because many plants do not like the salt from the sea. Coastlines are subject to sun, regular winds, and salt-filled air. Some gardens even have to contend with heavily sandy or clay soils that not every plant will thrive in. That being said, there are an array of plants for seaside gardens that will thrive in the…