Last updated on March 5th, 2022
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When you are planting conifers in your garden it is, of course, important to make sure you know the best time of year to plant conifers so that they can get as successful a start as possible.
You can actually plant them in a container in your garden at any time of year (if needed) with spring probably being the best time. Conifers with a rootball that have been lifted from the ground can be planted from around October once they are dormant to minimise stress.
The beginning of autumn is the most advantageous time of year to plant your root balled conifers because the trees will start to produce roots almost immediately during the warmer autumn months while the ground is still warm. This allows them to establish themselves and survive the winter effectively so that come spring they are stronger than ever.

If you are planting your conifer in an exposed area, for example, where it is standing on its own, you should use something like a tree stake to secure it in place so that newly sprouted roots are not torn off during any strong winds.
When you first plant your conifer it’s important to make sure that it stays well-watered and doesn’t dry out at any time but equally is not overwatered. During these initial phases, you can also use things like straw or mulch to cover the ground around your newly planted conifer to help encourage moisture retention and reduce the amount of watering required as well as reduce weeds.
Conifers can give your garden structure and if you choose to plant them it’s recommended that you plant more than one because they can provide protection for your garden, colour during the winter months and typically serve as a sanctuary for birds against rain and heavy winds. To that end, if you are planting more than one be sure to evenly distribute them along the line where you want to create your hedge, dig a hole large enough for the existing plant and leave enough space in between each subsequent plant for them to reach full maturity. When you dig the holes you can add compost to loosen the area making it easier for the roots of your conifer to take hold.
If you are planting a hedge you can learn more about conifer spacing here and learn how to plant them here.