Last updated on April 4th, 2022
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If you are in the market for a garden that brings forth all of the local bees, then you need the right variety of clematis. Bees love access to a different menu of items, the same as we do. So, if you want to grow clematis that will prove attractive to bees, make sure to give them lots of options. Not all clematis will prove attractive to bees so we have made a list of 10 that will prove to be popular with the bees.
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Why attract bees?
Bees are incredibly important to the ecosystem and yet the numbers are rapidly declining in the UK. It is up to you, just the same as your neighbours and everyone around you, to contribute in a positive way toward the conservation of bees.
The best part is, it’s not actually very hard. You can alter your garden ever-so-slightly and make it a much more wildlife-friendly garden in a simple and affordable fashion. Doing so will not only help bring the bees to your garden to pollinate and thrive but will more than likely bring about certain species of other winged insects like butterflies and moths.
Below are the top 10 best clematises to grow if you want to bring bees into your garden, and are perfect for accommodating our flying friends all year round.
1. Clematis alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’

This is known for its stunning beauty and is one of many alpina varieties listed in this roundup. It will bring bees to your garden at the beginning of the year right at the time when the bees are trying to make their nests. This clematis is a very strong grower and it’s particularly resistant to harsh weather, which makes it perfect for UK gardens.
2. Clematis alpina ‘Pink Flamingo’
Clematis Alpina ‘Pink Flamingo – available from
This variety offers a contrast to the otherwise commonly purple coloured flowers that the bees love. It’s a species of clematis that gives you large quantities of flowers throughout the spring and is a great alternative to the ‘alpina’ species of clematis that produce blue/purple flowers.
3. Clematis alpina ‘Stolwijk Gold’
As the name suggests, this clematis offers golden coloured leaves that are complemented by elegantly pale blue flowers. The flowers actually droop downwards and this is what makes them particularly stunning. This is a very versatile plant what you can grow in a semi-shaded location in your garden but it also makes a great container plant. This is perfect for gardens that have limited space, for gardeners who want to still attract bees and butterflies but only have a small patio or balcony on which to grow container plants.
4. Clematis alpina ‘White Columbine’

The ‘White Columbine’ clematis is also part of the ‘Alpina’ family of clematises and it gives you beautiful flowers in the spring. The petals are paper-thin, and very angelic and white in colour. Eventually, they form fluffy white seed heads that look wonderful when surrounded by pink or purple flowers that are in bloom at the same time.
5. Clematis alpina ‘Frankie’
Clematis alpina ‘Frankie’ – available from
The alpina ‘Frankie’ clematis is very exquisite and will attract bees as well as butterflies into your garden. If you want to mix and match multiple types of clematis in your garden, this one will produce flowers later in the spring, making it the perfect companion plant when combined with an early spring bloomer. This plant will produce flowers at the same time that the bees are bearing their young and need lots of extra food.
6. Clematis alpina ‘Markham’s Pink’
Clematis Alpina ‘Markhams Pink’ – Available from
If you are not a fan of pruning, don’t worry, this particular variety is perfect for you because it requires absolutely no pruning. It’s also a stark contrast to the other pink and purple flowers, perfect for brightening up any dark areas of your garden. It’s very versatile and will do well in semi-shaded areas.
7. Clematis diverifolia ‘Arabella’
Clematis Arabella – Available from
The Arabella clematis also provides pollinators with food during the later parts of spring and at the beginning of summer, particularly around May and June. So, if you are mixing and matching plants in the garden to have flowers blooming all year round for the bees, this is a wonderful option to add. The flowers take on the shape of a bell and this caters to bees who need a source of fat right before they prepare for hibernation.
8. Clematis macropetala ‘Propertious’
Clematis Propertious – Available from
Another variety of clematis that produces nodding-head flowers in the ‘Propertious’. The flowers come in pink and white shades. It offers an iridescent white trim along the edges of every petal, part of what contributes to its unique appeal. It will bring butterflies, bees, and other winged insects to your garden as they sit and enjoy all of the nectar it provides.
9. Clematis ‘Harlow Carr’
If you want a non-clinging variety of clematis that won’t overtake your garden quickly, this is the perfect variety. For those who have terraces or patios and simply want a smaller species that grows relatively slowly, this variety will meet those needs quite well. The colour produced by these flowers is a deep purple, which successfully attracts bees and butterflies.
10. Clematis Koreana ‘Amber’
Clematis ‘Amber’ – Available from
Finally, this clematis produces stunning petal-packed flowers that have some slight pink undertones but overall, is amber in colour, hence the name. This is a very unusual colour for this species of vine and is a wonderful way to mix and match the colour tones in your garden while still attracting bees.
Remember that the right haven for bees and butterflies is one that has a collection of textures and colours. The more species you grow, the more species of pollinators will come to your garden. You can increase the wildlife visitors you have by providing a range of flowers.
With so many varieties and species of clematis to choose from, you really can’t go wrong. Your garden will offer a great deal of texture and colour, perfect for attracting wildlife and insect pollinators. Once you get everything going you can enjoy the symphony of buzzing that will quickly fill your garden. Remember that these winged insects are attracted to the different plants for the nectar and the pollen, but they might also be enjoying the other food sources like pests and aphids. So, make sure you use non-chemical control measures for pests in particular.