
June 2019


If you are interested in obtaining year-round colour, then consider planting one of these top evergreen clematises, we have compiled a list that includes some of our favourites. With each of these, you can enjoy colour throughout the year that draws attention to your garden, and in many cases, leaves a beautiful fragrance behind. Despite there being literally hundreds of clematis available, there is actually only a handful of evergreen clematis, and some of these…

If you are looking to have different shades of beautiful flowers and lush green foliage all year round, then you need an evergreen climber. Some of the best evergreen climbers will make sure that your garden is thriving all year long. The best evergreen climbing plants include many varieties, they produce a rainbow of shades littered throughout not just the spring and summer but autumn and winter too because their leaves often change to vibrant…

If you are looking for smaller growing clematis for shade in your garden, rest assured there are plenty of options at your disposal. Even though most clematis plants require full sun, there are plenty of dwarf clematis varieties that love the shade. Given the popularity of clematis in regular homes, new hybrids and other varieties have made their way onto the marketplace that allows people to plant in any location. Below are some of the…

Every gardener should have the opportunity to grow clematis. If you already have one in your garden no doubt you are looking for a chance to put more anywhere you have room. There aren’t many plants that can really compete with the amazing beauty of clematis and the wide range of colours they come in. The first step to growing clematis successfully is ensuring you plant it in the correct way, giving it the best…

Today it is quite common to make use of any space in your garden, especially vertical spaces by using climbing and flowering plants like the clematis. A clematis will bloom in spring, summer, autumn and some even in winter, dependent upon the variety you choose, which explains why so many gardeners are integrating a diverse array of plants to provide year-round flowers. But then of course you have to wonder when you should cut back…

The clematis is a great plant for those who seek a way to capitalise upon vertical spaces in their garden. Clematises will climb up trellises, fences and trees, plus they offer beautiful ranges of colour to otherwise bland areas. Evergreen vines will climb up against fences very easily and help to disguise the metal or wood of the fence while simultaneously adding privacy to your home. Planting a clematis against a fence to undertake this…

This breed of clematis is a beautiful vining plant with early blooms that bring about a great deal of fragrance, and being evergreen they are extremely popular. It can reach between 2 and 5m in height, requires partial sun or full sun, deep and cool soil, and with all of that in play, it will provide beautiful flowers as early as March. This particular variety is perfectly suited to container growing and will quickly make…

Much the same way as your body requires certain minerals and vitamins to survive, so does your clematis. In order to grow well and produce beautiful flowers, they need specific nutrients but they also need to be applied at the correct time. In general, feeding should not be done after September because you don’t want to encourage new growth later in the year that can be damaged by frost. We also recommend that you stop…

If you have a clematis and you would like to take cutting so that you can use them to root and grow new vines, there’s a simple propagation method that you can use which is somewhat successful and worth trying. In a nutshell, you take a section of the clematis branch in spring or summer from the current year’s growth and split it into smaller sections removing the side shoots. You then dip the 2-3″…

No matter where you live you can enjoy clematis flowers, even if you live in an incredibly cold area. How? Potted clematis plants. Growing them in pots allows you to not only situate them anywhere in your garden but to cultivate them in areas where the soil or the ground itself might not be ideal. Even though they are flexible in terms of the soil parameters they require, you simply might live in an area…