
John Moore


Size ranges As with most plants, the height and width that hydrangeas can grow to depends on the hydrangea type (and variety), the environment they’re grown in and the care you take of them. Hydrangea shrubs can be from 0.5m tall to 2.5m tall, and even taller ( 4- 8m) for the climbing varieties. Their width varies from 0.5m to about 2.5m. Remember that it takes many years for the hydrangea shrub to reach its…

Deadheading is a common gardening practise that promotes healthy growth in any plant. You should deadhead hydrangeas, as long as you don’t confuse deadheading with pruning. However, it’s important that you deadhead hydrangeas correctly and at the right time of year as you could do more harm than good. What is the difference between deadheading vs pruning hydrangeas? When deadheading any plant, you just remove the fading flower blossoms so that the plant’s energy can…

Outdoor lighting adds ambience to your after-dark patio gatherings and also prevents you and your guests from stumbling around in the gloom. Solar lights for the garden mean that you don’t have to worry about constantly plugging in the lights when you need them. You’re spoiled for choice with the many styles of solar lights available. In our review, we present a selection of the most popular styles of string and ground lights, listing the…

Hydrangeas respond well to coffee grounds in the soil. Most people use coffee grounds to help change the colour of their hydrangea blooms from pink to blue as it makes the soil more acidic but it’s also useful to retain moisture in the soil between watering. To be clear you can only change the colour of the mop head and lacecap hydrangeas. As mentioned, coffee grounds make the soil more acidic which in turn helps…

Looking for an unusual water feature to add the element of sound to your garden? These sphere water features provide the background hum of bubbling water from a fountain structure. Some of the globe fountains we review are stand-alone models while others are table-top units. In all cases, we list their pros and cons, discuss their features and give our recommendation. Our Buyer’s Guide discusses two key decisions in making your purchase choice. BEST PICK…

Unfortunately in today’s world, garden security lights are no longer a luxury but a necessity for some people. Regardless if you are in the countryside or the city, you would like to know if someone is creeping around your property and up to no good. Whilst there are some arguments against them, security garden lights with motion sensors are an excellent way to deter would-be thieves, especially if you also have a camera built into…

Powered wheelbarrows first appeared on the market in the 1990s and they were limited in terms of running time, not to mention they were only really attainable for professionals, not ideal for home use and a further downside was that they were mainly bulky petrol models. Now I have discovered (and have been spoilt for choice) lithium-ion battery versions. On top of this, there are now powered wheelbarrows of different designs and sizes as well…

Installing artificial grass means that you don’t worry about the requirements of a lawn of real grass – sunlight, watering, mowing, weeding, dethatching and fertilising. Our review looks at the Best Artificial grass available in a variety of blade lengths and grade quality. We list the pros, cons and features of each type. Our recommendations for each product are brief as your choice really comes down to the height and look of the blades of…

Now that you have a shed, maybe you need an alarm on it to deter people from coming to see what kinds of interesting stuff you have in it. Matching your alarm to the needs of your neighbourhood and what you’re storing in the shed is key. Our review looks at a wide range of shed alarms, from a simple open door sensor to a full house and outdoor alarm system. We list the pros…

If your garage floor has paint marks, chemical spills and dust balls everywhere, maybe it’s time to keep it clean by painting it. Painting your garage floor with the correct paint seals the concrete, lets you easily wipe up any spills, keeps the dust down and can add a splash of colour to the space. Link to Polar floor paint used in the picture above Our reviews look at a range of paints formulated for…