
February 3, 2020


Keeping your garden and lawn watered all summer long can be time-consuming and water consuming. One of the main benefits associated with a water drip system or other automatic watering system is that you can conserve water with micro-irrigation. A water drip system uses a collection of tubes and sprayers to deliver water directly to the base of your plant when and where they need it without any water being spilled or evaporated in the…

There are plenty of planters that give you more character in your garden space and using an upside-down planter is one such idea. In fact, they have become a very fun and non-traditional way to grow tomatoes, especially if you have limited space on the ground. With a small space where you are unable to fit the plants you want, an upside-down planter can give you tomatoes throughout the season without taking up limited walking…

Compost will help the growing conditions for your plants, giving them a healthier, happier lifespan. But not all plants are the same. For example, compost for acid-loving plants such as Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Pieris needs ericaceous compost and this will differ from the compost most beneficial for plants that need neutral compost.  When picking the right compost, you should look for special compost for your particular plants if you want them to have the best…

This is the season for seedlings. Now is the time for germinating them in your home or greenhouse, which of course requires good seed compost. The problem is most compost types (including multipurpose compost) you can buy from garden centres and nurseries are not ideal seed starting mixes. You have probably had some plants that no matter what you did, just did not germinate. They seemed overly watered on top but dry to the bones…