
May 23, 2019


Brush cutters are the perfect tool for cutting back thick overgrowth and brambles when the usual line strimmers are not up to the job Well, a lawnmower can effectively cut your lawn and most line strimmers will take care of the edges and smaller areas. However, when it comes to dealing with thick, overgrown bushes, weeds and brambles a brush cutter is the one tool that suits the purpose best. This is because they use…

How to grow Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are one of the most popular plants and for good reason. They are very easy to care for and can be grown in almost any climate. With this in mind, it is important that you understand how to choose the right Hydrangea for your garden, how to plant them, tend to them and all other areas of care. This guide will give you everything you need to get started. Recommended…

If you are looking for the best conifers for tubs, rest assured you have ample options from which to choose. Conifers don’t necessarily need to be grown in the ground. There are plenty of reasons why you might need to consider container growth. Dwarf conifers for tubs can be grown in areas where, for example, the soil is rather harsh or inhospitable and trying to change it would require constant efforts and money. In such…

If you have a smaller garden, finding the right combination of plants can be challenging, especially when you need to consider incorporating things like containers and doing away with plants that take over every space possible. More importantly, you don’t want plants that require endless pruning or maintenance in order to keep them in check. With this in mind, there are some wonderful evergreen and deciduous shrubs that you can incorporate into your small garden,…

If you are looking for the best climbers for containers, you want plants that are easy to grow, will thrive in pots, do well with a combination of partial shade and full sun (so that you can effectively plant them anywhere) and you can watch as the blooms unfold before your eyes. Each of these climbers mentioned below will bring beautiful blooms to your garden, bloom prolifically and climb up any structures nearby, offering a…