
February 21, 2020


Magnolias are stunning trees to have in your garden. Most people admire their glossy foliage and fragrant flowers that come in an array of colours, from white to purple and pink as well, and even yellow. The best part is if you have a successfully growing Magnolia you can reap the benefit of adding more Magnolias by propagating and growing more plants from cuttings. When should you take a cutting from a Magnolia? The best…

Magnolias are stunning deciduous and evergreen trees that are representative of an ancient species of trees, so the dramatic flowers and fragrant blooms have been appreciated throughout the centuries. Today they remain well known for the large and leathery leaves as well as their beautiful flowers, although sometimes those leaves start to drop and if you have put a lot of effort into maintaining your Magnolia it might be cause for concern.  So why has…

Magnolias are stunning trees well known for their richly fragrant flowers, large leathery leaves, and the otherwise glossy, evergreen foliage that makes them coveted among gardeners. You can find deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen varieties, all with varying sizes and overall shapes that are easily controlled with basic pruning. However, things can go awry and you may start noticing that something is eating the leaves off your tree. What eats the leaves on Magnolia trees? There…