
November 2019


If you are growing lemon trees in the UK, growing them in pots is really the most successful way. There are, however, some provisions to follow when choosing and planting your lemon trees as well as some easy to follow care advice.  If your lemon tree is losing its leaves, read our guide on the possible causes and solutions. Recommended citrus lemon varieties Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree There are ample varieties of lemon trees, but…

If you are growing a lemon tree no doubt you have a great appreciation for the fragrant blooms and the delightful fruit it has to offer. Unfortunately, there are many pests that are just as excited to have a lemon tree nearby. Some of the biggest pests are relatively harmless (like aphids) but there are some more serious like the citrus rust mite that will affect the fruits rather than the foliage. Knowing what pests…

Hyacinth bulbs are a wonderful way to brighten your home during the winter, and what’s more, they are quite simple to grow. With these, you can enjoy an indoor display out of season. Of course, doing so successfully means knowing how and when to force the bulbs, otherwise, the display won’t be when or how you want it. When to Force Hyacinth Bulbs You can enjoy fragrant blooms starting around Christmas time and moving onwardS…

As Christmas approaches, most of the plants in your garden have died off, except the few winter flowering plants you may have carefully planned. However, there are still ways you can enjoy the beauty and aromatic displays during the winter months indoors, especially over Christmas and one of our favourite things to do is to grow Hyacinth bowls. With Hyacinths, you can grow them indoors and force them to grow out of season successfully. Follow…

Citrus trees like lemons are susceptible to a wide number of diseases, pests and nutritional deficiencies. They can be impacted by simple environmental stresses as well. So, if your lemon tree is losing its leaves, there are many possible explanations. Environmental Reasons that often cause leaf drop Environmental reasons are the first likely cause. Severe cold, improper watering, not enough watering, too much watering, all lead to environmental conditions that subsequently manifest in the leaves…

If you are growing a citrus plant, you need to be on the lookout for specific citrus tree problems. Knowing what problems are common can help you recognise the symptoms when they manifest and learn how to prevent those problems in future.  Below we go over some of the most common citrus problems, starting with Mealybugs. Learn more about growing citrus trees by clicking here Citrus Pests Mealybugs The first is the mealybug. These are…

Citrus plants are not hardy British plants, however, you can still grow them successfully if you plant them in pots outdoors for summer, and bring them indoors for winter.  The most common citrus tree to grow in the UK, especially in milder parts of the country is the ‘Meyer’ Lemon but equally tolerant of cooler temperatures are Kumquats, but they all still need to be brought indoors during the winter because they are only hardy…

While citrus is not native to the UK there are still a few varieties that you can grow, especially if you grow them in pots. Once you have your citrus trees established, they may need pruning from time to time to control the shape and sometimes reduce citrus plants that have become leggy, however, it needs to be done properly. See out top recommended citrus trees for pots by clicking here When to Prune Citrus…

If you choose to grow citrus trees in pots, you will have a much more successful go of things because you have the flexibility to control the environment, add extra protection when the weather drops, and bring them inside over winter. Of course, it’s just as important to choose the right type of citrus tree for your containers because not all varieties are ideal. In most cases, you will want to find a dwarf variety…

Growing citrus trees in pots and containers is the most effective way to enjoy the bountiful fruit production that citrus trees have to offer for those of us who live in the UK with its less than perfect weather for growing citrus. Citrus plants don’t naturally survive the colder winter weather of most parts of the UK, but in a container, you have much more control over exposure, soil, sunlight, and more importantly fluctuations in…